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Revolutionizing Construction Management: A Deep Dive into Remote Monitoring Systems and Advanced Platform Software

Embark on a comprehensive exploration of construction's future with our extensive blog on remote monitoring systems and platform software. Uncover real-world examples, benefits for site and project managers, and how cloud-based solutions streamline efficiency.
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Written by
Mourad Hebara
Published on
January 23, 2024.

Implementing Effective Remote Construction Monitoring: A Guide for Construction Companies

Construction projects are complex endeavors with many interdependent components that require careful oversight to be delivered on time and on budget. As remote monitoring technology has advanced in recent years, leading construction companies now have access to revolutionary tools providing complete visibility into all activity on the jobsite - no matter where it's located.

Implementing an effective remote monitoring solution has huge benefits for construction firms including real-time progress tracking, rapid issue identification, and preventing avoidable delays. However, to gain the maximum advantages, companies need to strategically select and deploy monitoring software while encouraging full adoption by teams.

This guide covers best practices construction businesses should follow when implementing remote monitoring to take their oversight capabilities to the next level.

Choosing the Right Software

The first step is evaluating monitoring software options and selecting a platform aligned to your oversight needs and processes. Key factors to consider include:

Project visibility - Look for solutions like Procore that offer live access to reality capture images, drone footage and sensor data to view daily site activity in detail.

Analytics - Leverage software like PlanGrid that incorporates artificial intelligence to analyze progress and flag potential problems or risks requiring intervention.

Collaboration - Prioritize tools like Fieldwire that centralize communication, allowing teams to easily discuss issues identified through monitoring and coordinate responses.

Compliance - Choose solutions like Raken that support checklists, standardized reporting and documentation tools to ensure quality and safety standards are met.

Scalability - Opt for cloud-based software that can flex to monitor any number of sites and construction projects simultaneously as your business grows.

** Mobility** - Look for monitoring platforms offering robust mobile access and functionality so insights can be accessed from anywhere.

Data Integration - Evaluate solutions that integrate with your existing construction management systems and provide APIs to incorporate data from sensors and equipment.

Support - Select established vendors that provide high-quality customer support and training resources to ensure smooth software implementation.

Taking time upfront to thoroughly evaluate monitoring software against your company’s needs and constraints will pay off with a solution that delivers maximum oversight value long-term.


Strategically Deploy Cameras and Sensors

To gain a comprehensive view of all activity, construction sites need sufficient camera and sensor coverage across all areas and phases. When installing monitoring technology:

Conduct thorough site evaluations - Walk through sites before construction to identify optimal camera mounting locations for complete view coverage from multiple angles. Reevaluate as the build progresses.

Follow expert guidance - Work closely with your monitoring software provider or specialized vendor to position cameras and sensors using industry best practices.

Prioritize high-risk areas - Extra monitoring is warranted in high-traffic zones, confined spaces and areas housing expensive materials or equipment.

Check for blindspots - Inspect sample camera feeds and drone imagery to catch any potential monitoring gaps or blocked sightlines. Constantly work to minimize blindspots.

Account for staging - As sites evolve, move cameras to maintain ideal visibility based on the construction stage, adjusting blinds spots appear.

Consider night monitoring - Low-light or infrared cameras often prove essential to oversight after daylight hours when construction still proceeds.

With deliberate camera and sensor placement, contractors gain the benefit of monitoring intelligence without information gaps.

Encourage Adoption Through Training

For remote monitoring to improve oversight, teams need to fully utilize the capabilities. Construction companies should:

Require system training - Ensure all staff and field teams get comprehensive training on monitoring software and devices used daily like wearables. Build understanding of available data and features.

Incentivize engagement - Consider tying bonuses and metrics for managers to their usage of monitoring platforms to identify issues and improve decision making.

Communicate benefits - Share case studies and statistics highlighting how remote monitoring enhances project success rates to gain buy-in at all levels.

Standardize workflows - Create clear protocols for responding to monitoring alerts, reporting, required documentation, non-compliance events, etc. to streamline adoption.

Lead by example - Managers should actively use monitoring feeds themselves daily to identify trends, risks, and opportunities to demonstrate the value to teams.

Solicit user feedback - Check-in regularly with users to determine where monitoring systems could be better leveraged and if any functions need improvement to meet their oversight needs.  

Proper implementation goes beyond just installing cameras. Companies must invest in helping teams adopt monitoring as part of their standard operating procedures through training and support.

Store and Audit Monitoring Data

A best practice for risk mitigation is developing a complete audit trail by archiving project monitoring data including camera feeds, sensor logs, and field reports. This provides:

Compliance evidence - Documentation of all activity proves construction adhered to regulations and contract requirements. This evidence is invaluable if disputes arise.

Incident review - Archived footage helps determine the root cause and responsibility when accidents or issues occur so corrections can be implemented.

Process improvements - Studying records helps identify systemic risks like recurring safety violations so preventative action can be taken.

Claim defense - Video records of what actually occurred on site provides verification against false accusations of wrongdoing.

Institutional knowledge retention - Footage retention ensures knowledge from completed projects stays accessible for applying lessons to future sites.

While storage costs should be considered, the multitude of benefits often makes maintaining archives of all remote monitoring data worthwhile for most firms.

Prepare for Advancements in Construction Technology

Finally, companies need to stay abreast of emerging innovations that will shape the future of remote monitoring. Construction executives should:

  • Watch for machine learning and A.I. that promises to automate identification of risks or delays based on monitoring data.
  • Plan to leverage data collected by autonomous equipment and robotics that will provide valuable new oversight streams.
  • Evaluate potential of augmented and virtual reality to provide immersive walkthroughs of construction sites.
  • Follow 5G networking advancements that will support massive increases in data transfer and analytics from monitoring systems.

Already an indispensable tool for optimizing construction oversight, remote monitoring solutions will only become more intelligent, expansive and transformative as technology evolves. Companies who stay ahead of the curve will maintain their competitive edge.

With these best practices for implementation, construction firms can adopt monitoring systems that maximize real-time visibility, improve team coordination, automate compliance and ultimately drive the on-time, on-budget delivery of complex construction projects. Remote monitoring is revolutionizing the industry by empowering contractors with the data they need to systematically identify risks and prevent issues before they undermine success.

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